Tools and Materials:
- Electric Drill
- Hot Glue Gun or Hot Glue Pot (preferred)
- Plastic Drinking Straw
- Drill bit - the same size as the drinking straw
- CD (or cardboard disc the same size as CD with hole in center)
- Plastic bottle cap (2 liter size)
- 12" balloon
- Drill a hole in the bottle cap.
- Glue the bottle cap to the center of CD or disc (rightside up).
- Stretch neck of balloon over cap.
- Insert straw through hole in cap and inflate the balloon.
- Pinch the neck of balloon to hold in air, remove the straw and place the completed Hovercraft on a flat surface.
Result: Pressurized air flows out of the bottom of the hovercraft which lifts it off the floor slightly. Friction
is reduced and the hovercraft can glide easily across the floor
Cool Tip: Set up a big fan and have hovercraft races. Try different types and sizes of balloons. Predict
if the Hovercraft will travel shorter or farther with these changes and then test your hypothesis.