Cool Science Club

Cool Science Club Projects

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You can do Science!  Try these fun projects designed and/or tested for Cool Science Clubs.  Each project here can be done with a group of thirty kids as young as third grade or younger.

20-minute Kite  Great for an earth day theme!  20 kids can make and fly 20 kites in 20 minutes - using a sheet of (used) paper. 
Electricity Projects  Make flashlights electric switches!  Uses inexpensive materials like paper clips and holiday twinkle lights. 
Pressure Switch Intruder Alarm  Make your own Burglar Alarm!
Baking Powder Submarine  Easy DIY version of the classic toy.
Polymer Slime  Use in conjuction with the next project for a full hour of science - start off by giving the kids gummy worms and talking about properties of polymers.   Click HERE for a polymer game. 
Polymer Superballs  Easy, bouncy, fun with glue, borax and water.
Fizzy Bath Bombs  Better bathing through chemistry.
Fizzy Eyeballs  A cool science illusion.
Fake Blood  Make a simple mixture that looks like real blood. 
Water Rockets  They blast off and shoot 30-40 feet in the air!
Mini Hovercraft   Simple design that is easy to make and easy to inflate.
Hovercraft  Build one for the kids to ride!  External link.
9 Volt Electrolysis  Split water molecules to create explosive and poisonous gas! 
Soap Science  Use Chemistry to make real soap!  This method is easy and hands on - each kid makes his own batch
World's Simplest (and cheapest) Motor (external link, you can probably get plenty of wire scraps free from shops that build electric motors and generators.  Follow the instructions carefully in the fifth photo and substitute sand paper for the knife -easier for kids.)  A video of another motor and how it works HERE.   A similar motor HERE. 
Soda Pop Science (Three awesome projects from those "Better Living through Chemistry" people.  Follow these up with a Mentos Fountain:  Tell the kids to bring their own unopened 2 liter bottle of diet soda for the fountains  (that way you don't have to transport them.)   

Are you starting a Sciece Club or a Science Club Leader or Volunteer?  Check out the Cool Science Club Blog
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